USP&E is ready to assist you with your generator's ATS and switchgear needs. We know that after selecting your generator the next most important decision to consider is which ATS and switchgear you need for your power generator setup. USP&E has a large and diverse range of ATS and switchgear options to suitably fit your generator, and we have the expertise to help you use these components for maximum efficiency.
ASCO - Open, delayed transition, and soft load switchgear is available at USP&E. Contact us today, and we will help ensure that your design includes the new or used switchgear you need to have in order to adhere to code and application, all within your budget.
ZENITH - Open or delayed transitions ATS options that are very affordable. We have every voltage and enclosure option imaginable in stock.
click here for pricing info
CUSTOM - You would like to parallel with the utility and with 3 dissimilar generators and have your soft load switchgear include digital meters that display Hz, voltage, amps, and kW for each generator and the utilities?
We can design, assemble, install, commission, and properly service your custom USP&E manufactured switchgear for a fraction of what the competitors are charging and still provide
the most knowledgeable, flexible, and proactive service you have ever experienced.
We are here to serve your power generation needs.
Give us a call, and let us demonstrate our ability to add value to any project you have.